Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Jesse Owens

This is a gist of the hour long speech by Jessie Owens (World famous Athlete ) on his first Gold medal in the Olympics:

"To those of you who laughed at me, thank you.
Without you I wouldn't have cried.
To those of you who just couldn't love me, thank you.
Without you I wouldn't have known real love.
To those of you who hurt my feelings, thank you.
Without you I wouldn't have felt them.
To those of you who left me lonely, thank you.
Without you I wouldn't have discovered myself.
But it is to those of you who thought I couldn't do it;
It is you I thank the most,
Because without you I wouldn't have tried."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

and thats why i respect u and i will always rember what u did and how u change thee way people see, thank u! jesse owens